Beware of scams

We are aware of scams coming from email and social media where people try to impersonate us. We will never ask you for money or your bank details. Learn more about what to look out for and how to protect yourself.

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Transmit Start-Ups will be in contact in the coming weeks to arrange your first mentoring session
What is a mentor?

A mentor is an experienced individual who is able to offer guidance to another individual. Our mentors are experienced business professionals who provide 1:1 support to new Start Up Loan recipients throughout the early stages of their business journey.

What is a mentor’s role?

A mentor is a sounding board to help you develop your own confidence, knowledge and skills. They are not there to tell you what to do, or even how to do it, but to help you make the right decision for yourself.

How will mentoring help you?

When both parties work together effectively, a mentoring relationship offers you:

  • An independent, external perspective for making decisions.
  • A trusted shoulder to lean on when you’re feeling anxious or uncertain.
  • An outlet for discussing ideas, challenges and new opportunities.
  • General guidance on areas you have less experience with like people management, marketing, finance and legal.
  • Access to new networks, connections or other helpful resources.

Find out more about what to expect from mentoring on our mentoring page here.

Mentoring is as important – if not more so – than the loan.

James Caan, former Chairman of The Start Up Loans Company