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When Lord Young conceived Start Up Loans in 2012, it was part of a suite of ideas designed to boost the level of entrepreneurial spirit within the UK and stimulate the growth of our local and national economies.
Back in 2016, four years after Lord Young initially conceived of the idea, with over 45,000 Start Up Loans distributed to UK businesses, his vision was well on its way to becoming a reality. Lord Young said “it is easier than it has ever been to start a business” and the impact and achievements of the Start Up Loan scheme to date certainly supports this.

As of September 2023, Start Up Loans has passed three milestones, delivering over 105,000 loans and providing over £1 billion of funding across the UK since 2012.


Four years after Lord Young initially conceived of the idea, with over 45,000 Start Up Loans distributed to UK businesses, his vision is well on its way to becoming a reality. Lord Young said “it is easier than it has ever been to start a business” and the impact and achievements of the Start Up Loan scheme to date certainly supports this.

The success of Start Up Loans lies in our dual approach to supporting early stage businesses, equipping them not just with the finance to start and grow, but also, importantly, the support they require to succeed.

Our Business Support Partner network, comprised of a range of leading business support organisations around the country is an essential part of this. These organisations work closely with all of our loan applicants to put them in the best possible position to succeed – both in business and with their Start Up Loan application.

Download a copy of Lord Young’s 2012 report >>(opens in a new tab)

“Start Up Loans have the potential to transform the experience and enterprise potential of a new generation, just as the Enterprise Allowance Scheme transformed a generation in the 1980s.”

– Lord Young, founder of Start Up Loans, 2012

Find out more information about Start Up Loans

Celebrating our impact

We regularly publish news and updates related to the success of the scheme and the individuals we support.

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Latest news

Visit our media centre to see the wide range of reports, evaluations and press releases we publish. You’ll find information about our latest lending history, key milestones and overall impact.

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Impact and achievements

Impact and achievements

Start Up Loans have had a transformative impact on the lives of thousands of individuals, our local communities and the nation as a whole. Find out more about our impact and achievements.

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Our success stories

Our success stories

We’ve already backed thousands of businesses with a Start Up Loan. Read on to find out about our success stories and how our support helped them turn their dreams into reality.

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