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Boy Next Door Productions

Eduardo Barreto is one of the business owners over 50 who sought finance to develop his business.

He received a £10,000 Start Up Loan in October 2023, using it to help produce a show at The Arcola Theatre for his Bermondsey-based production company, Boy Next Door.

Eduardo commented:

“I founded the company four years ago, but it had a slow start due to a health incident. Now that I’m well again, the funding has enabled me to get back to doing what I love most – producing successful shows. It wasn’t only the loan that was important to me, however – Start Up Loans introduced me to Giuseppe at Norfolk and Waveney Enterprise Services, my business mentor and my rock. I wouldn’t have succeeded in my application without him, so I am eternally grateful.


“To anyone else of a similar age thinking about starting their own business, my advice would be to find something you are passionate about and go for it. Keep your left foot in dream world and your right foot in the real world and you’ll find the balance needed to succeed.”

Published on 12 March 2024

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