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The Sustainable Kitchen

Portrait of Rik De RaynorRik is a chef with more than 22 years of experience and a background in human nutrition and psychology. The business was started as a chance for him to explore why veganism isn’t as accessible as it could be and what the barriers are to preventing people from taking up the lifestyle.

Rik De Raynor, Founder and Nutrition Consultant at The Sustainable Kitchen: “Having previously helped to champion the great work the British Business Bank does with their Start Up Loans programme, we were thrilled to be chosen as the Start Up Loans Ambassador for the East Midlands – a community we care greatly about.

“We have achieved being carbon negative through a multi-faceted approach, including the sole use of renewable energy, completely biodegradable packaging and featuring only plant-based, sustainable and seasonal foods. Hopefully, through this ambassadorship, we can become an example for other businesses looking to take steps in being more sustainable.”

Instagram: / Facebook: / Twitter/X: @Thesk_co_uk TikTok:

Published on 19 October 2023

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