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The Nail And Beauty Nerd

Emma Andralojc took out a loan in 2019 to launch The Nail and Beauty Nerd, a beauty salon based in Harrogate.

The business was just getting off the ground when the first lockdown was announced in March 2020, and it was forced to close its doors.

Determined to replicate the personal touches her salon had prided itself on and maintain her existing clients, Emma launched ‘Facial Fridays’ for her clients – an at-home facial experience including an online tutorial. Later in the year, when restrictions allowed the salon to open but not to serve drinks, Emma partnered with a local café to ensure her clients could still have hot drinks following their treatments.

As a result of this focus on brand loyalty, when the business was able to reopen briefly for part of December 2020, Emma managed to increase her revenue by 60% on the previous year.

Published on 24 December 2021

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