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Real Life Role Models

Michael Hughes secured £7,000 from Start Up Loans – through The Hub – to launch a new service providing respite and mentoring sessions for young people with autism. Since launching in July 2020, Real Life Role Models, which is based in Solihull, has grown to a staff of 10.

“The start up loan has given me the ability to commit to the project full time and leave my previous job – taking on more staff to create capacity for clients and engage young people.

We are currently working with over 30 families and are commissioned by local authorities for projects. We also work with schools to support young people. Without the Start Up Loans programme, none of this would be possible.

I would encourage anyone who has an idea for a business, but is nervous about the financial side of things, to apply for a Start Up Loan to make it a reality.”

Published on 14 September 2021

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