Powerful Organic

Success Story 17 June 2016

Sector Consumer Goods & Services
Programme Start Up Loans

Nisa Mendez used her Start Up Loan to develop her website design business Mendez Moment.

Recently, Nisa has been using all of her web experience to design a new online department store called Powerful Organic, and she has shared advice on how she attracts visitors to the website.

What is Powerful Organic?

Powerful Organic is an online department store selling a variety of organic products including food, garments, and beauty. We wanted to create something similar to Selfridges, in that a variety of products are available and there is high quality content on the website.

How important was creating a website and getting online for your business?

As the world is digital, the website is the most important part of the business! It is a place for customers to go and see the types of products that we sell. They can also go there out of hours and find out more information about the business and what Powerful Organic does.

What has been the main challenge with creating an online store, and how you have you overcome this?

Knowing what content to put on the website and knowing what content google is going to accept can be difficult. You want your content to be valuable information for searchers. Content is really important, as people may come to your website to read your blog and end up buying your product, which is what you want to encourage. At Powerful Organic, we try to produce content about the latest trends. We monitor what is going on in the organic industry and try to generate content on interesting topics that are not that well known. This helps us to be seen as a specialist in our field, and can attract new potential customers to our website as they want to buy from the best.

You have a video on your homepage. What do you use this for?

It’s a promotional video that is a great way to introduce what Powerful Organic is as soon as you open the homepage. We’ve kept it short at one minute long, and it explains what the store is and the types of products that we sell. YouTube is the second largest search engine, so I’d recommend having a video on your website that you can share to help get exposure.

How do you make sure that Powerful Organic provide good customer service?

Our contact details are clearly displayed on the Powerful Organic website, and you can also email us to ask questions. Our Facebook page is great for having conversations with people who are just interested in organic products. This doesn’t always lead to a sale, but it’s important to provide quality service and the right information.

What is the one piece of advice you would give to people creating an online store for their business?

I see the website as the attraction point for a business that I haven’t heard of before. If the website isn’t very good and the product/service isn’t presented well then I click off within the first few seconds. My advice is to spend money on a good website that is also mobile friendly, as so many people will browse your products from their smartphones.