Murphy Golf

Success Story 27 February 2024

Padraig Murphy, aged 24, is just one of the loan recipients in Northern Ireland aged under 25, who has taken his dream business and turned it into a reality.

Region/Nation Northern Ireland
Sector Arts, Entertainment and Leisure
Programme Start Up Loans

From his home in Whitecross, County Armagh, Padraig launched a business which specialises in thoughtfully designed and carefully crafted golf apparel.


I have loved golf all of my life and launching a business so closely aligned to the sport has been thoroughly enjoyable.

Applying for the Start Up Loan with Enterprise Northern Ireland was a straightforward process and the cashflow has enabled me to fast-forward my business. It’s something I would certainly recommend to others.

The loan has helped me research and source suppliers, invest in stock and get a marketing team on board. Before the Start Up Loan I had been trying to finance the business myself, which was slow, getting the loan really has helped things speed up.

Padraig Murphy Founder of Murphy Golf

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