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We are aware of scams coming from email and social media where people try to impersonate us. We will never ask you for money or your bank details. Learn more about what to look out for and how to protect yourself.


Meame is design performance fashion for both fashion conscious and discerning cyclists. Founders Megan Aylott and husband Stephen Azancot wanted to create clothing that was both functional and fashionable for the wearer. This desire came out of Megan’s own experiences as a cyclist when she founds that the clothes she wore were completely impractical for both weather and safety. In her search for something appropriate she was disappointed to find nothing that suited her style, with most of the nicer products having only been developed with men in mind, and Megan soon found that her friends shared this disappointment.

Megan Aylot and Stephen Azancot, founders of Meame

Therefore Megan and Stephen decided to create her solution to this problem, Meame. Having previously worked as a fashion freelancer Megan had experience of the fashion industry and had previously studied textiles. With the support of a £25,000 Start Up Loan each the duo were able to purchase stock and launch the brand.

Meame womens jacket

At Meame the focus is on products and accessories that are timeless classics. This includes a unique design which is a reflective tweed that can’t be seen in daylight, perfect for the stylish traveler. Currently Meame are sold online but Megan and Stephen have also secured stockists in London and Edinburgh and are looking to continue searching for more stores to secure their products.

Published on 2 November 2016

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