Lifeline 24

Success Story 19 June 2017

Region/Nation East of England
Sector Health & Social Care
Programme Start Up Loans

Lifeline24 is a national telecare provider based in Norwich which supplies personal alarms to frail, elderly and disabled people living across the United Kingdom. The business was founded by Simon and his wife Treena after they noticed a gap in the market for an affordable personal alarm service which can be relied upon for excellent customer service. This arose from Simon’s position in a charity which he worked for after leaving the City of London. During his time there he had become frustrated at the amount of red tape and inflexibility of the organization.

The alarms are designed and made in the UK and can be used as a standalone unit or a wearable pendant with both devices having an alert button on them. Once pressed a monitoring team of experts who are available 24 hours a day and 365 days a year are on hand to assess the issue and deal with it accordingly. Lifeline outsources this role to one of the most highly accredited call centres in the UK which has been award Platinum status by the industry regulator.

The alarms Lifeline provide are easy to set up and the company offers competitive prices due to the limited overheads of the business. As well as this Lifeline offers next day delivery and set up which means that are popular with hospitals who often are looking to find alarms rapidly in order to discharge their patients. Going forward Simon has exciting expansion plans with a current move into Ireland potentially being joined by forays into the American and Australian markets. With 7 employees joining in the past 12 months to take staff levels to 9, you wouldn’t put it past them.

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