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House of Curls

Start Up Loans recipient Clare Pledger, from Cardiff-based firm, House of Curls, an e-tailer specialising in curly and natural hair products, who received a £20,000 Start Up Loan via Business in Focus said:

“I discovered the incredibly passionate curly hair community on social media after an accident where I broke my wrist and was unable to style my hair properly. I decided to document how I managed this period of washing and styling my thick, coarse, curly hair one-handed on Instagram, and from that, House of Curls was born.

A lot of people with hair like my own still find it difficult to find the products to care for their hair. With House of Curls, I wanted to create a space that had everything in one place, easy buying access to all these amazing products, along with information and help.

My British Business Bank Start Up Loan was instrumental in establishing House of Curls and was used to create our e-commerce website and purchase stock. Without it, we wouldn’t be where we are today, and this year we turned over £300,000.”

Published on 14 September 2021

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