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Farah Qureshi

Farah Qureshi designs and makes jewellery in precious metals, ethical silver and gold. Jewellery had long been a hobby of hers and she had been taught jewellery design while she was at art college where she learnt 3D design and metal work. With the number of collections a year currently at two Farah sources her materials from Hatton Gardens and all of her products are ethical.

Farah Qureshi jewellery designer

Currently the range includes earrings, necklaces, pendants and much more with the brand available online via Farah’s own website, on-line retailers JewelStreet, NotOnTheHighStreet and also from selected retailers across the United Kingdom. Marketing the brand towards professionals The £9,500 Start Up Loan that Farah received was put towards marketing and attending trade events in both UK and Europe.

Published on 23 March 2017

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