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Dragonfly Films

Matt Everett borrowed £10,000 in July 2023 to grow into Dragonfly films. Dragonfly films is a London-based video production company using state-of-the-art equipment and modern techniques to deliver high-end video content for businesses nationwide. Matt Everett took out a £10,000 loan to begin production of his own TV docu-series, ‘Weird Britain’.

Matt Everett said, “Start Up Loans has made my dream of establishing a production company a reality. Breaking into the production industry is notoriously challenging, especially for solo creators like me who lack industry connections. Setting up my own production company became my pathway into the industry.

“The loan played a vital role in funding ‘Weird Britain’ and propelling Dragonfly Film to new horizons. To fellow entrepreneurs, I encourage you to remember that with determination and the right support, your dreams are attainable.”

Published on 7 September 2023

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