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We are aware of scams coming from email and social media where people try to impersonate us. We will never ask you for money or your bank details. Learn more about what to look out for and how to protect yourself.


ClelandRenwick is an image consultancy for men which provides colour analysis, bodyline analysis and wardrobe personality assessments.

It is aimed at professional leaders and provides them with the knowledge on how to select the right garment style and colour enabling them to dress in a way which conveys confidence and leadership.

Alison McAtamney said:

“Starting my new business will be the fulfilment of a lifelong goal. I’m 55 now and can see the pension age approaching, so I wanted to launch a business which helped me find a slower pace of life.


“The British Business Bank’s Start Up Loans, delivered via their partner Enterprise Northern Ireland, caught my eye due to the 6% interest rate and I have been very impressed. There are steps along the way to launching a new business which can fill you with nerves, but I have felt supported by the Bank and its partner at every step of the way.”

Published on 12 March 2024

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