The Cost of Commuting

Press release 16 December 2016

Research from the Government-backed Start Up Loans Company explores parents’ attitudes towards the cost of commuting away from their family.

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Key statistics from Start Up Loans Company

  • One in ten (10%) parents spend the equivalent of an extra working day a week (8 hours) away from their children because of the commute to and from work
  • As well as missing out on time with their children because of the journey to and from work, the average cost of commuting totals over £1,300 per year.
  • In addition to the time spent commuting, over a fifth (22%) of parents spend an additional 12 hours a month outside of their normal working days away from home due to job commitments, which they feel they aren’t able to plan around their home life.
  • The time spent commuting and a lack of flexible working hours mean parents don’t get to take part in daily activities in their children’s lives.
  • Almost three fifths (58%) admit to having never done the school run, and four in ten (41%) admit to missing landmark events in the school calendar such as plays and sports days. Over two fifths (42%) blame this on work commitments.
cars in traffic
When thinking about time lost due to work, parents often don’t consider the additional time they spend getting to and from their jobs. But the cost of commuting can have a big impact on family life. It’s worth remembering that many people starting up their own business do so from home. This means they cut out long, costly commutes every day. It’s the kind of freedom that being your own boss affords. That’s why in the New Year we’d encourage anyone thinking about taking the step towards starting up on their own, to properly explore their options. There’s so much support out there from financial advice, to mentoring and guidance on marketing strategies. We always see a substantial spike of applications to start businesses in January, and often this comes from parents. - Tim Sawyer CEO of The Start Up Loans Company