Scottish business selected to represent UK start ups at Houses of Parliament event

Press release 03 June 2016

  • Midlothian-based business has been handpicked by the Government backed Start Up Loans Company as one of six ambassadors
  • Business to attend launch event at Houses of Parliament on 8th June
  • Start Up Loans has delivered more than £10million of lending to Scottish businesses

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A business owner from Midlothian has been chosen to represent successful UK start ups by the Government-backed Start Up Loans Company (SULCo) with the launch of its Ambassador Programme.

Sara Roberts, founder of healthy snack vending machine business, Healthy Nibbles, is one of six start-up owners that will be showcased as one of the Government-backed Company’s top success stories and inspiring businesses. The business will be honoured at a dedicated launch reception on 8th June, at the Houses of Parliament in London.

Start Up Loans ambassadors Sara Roberts, Lauren Taylor and Mark Taylor

The Westminster reception will begin with a panel discussion chaired by Start Up Loans Company’s CEO Tim Sawyer. Tim will be joined by senior Ministers, who helped launch SULCo in 2012, alongside local MP’s and representatives from the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS).

Stocking over 250 branded products, Healthy Nibbles caters for a range of dietary requirements and preferences including paleo, vegan and gluten free, only stocking food and drink which contain wholesome ingredients with no chemical additives. The business offers the latest innovation in vending technology with completely cash free vending machines, designed in response to the growing popularity of cashless payments.

Sara originally started Healthy Nibbles in 2014 with the support of a £20,000 Government-backed Start Up Loan. The healthy vending firm recently saw a successful second year of trading, with profits predicted to more than treble from £40,000 to £150,000 in the next two years.

Sara Roberts, managing director of Healthy Nibbles, said:

Support from the Start Up Loans Company has been vital in enabling Healthy Nibbles continue to grow and remain at the forefront of the latest vending technology. Through my role as ambassador, I’ll be working to encourage start-up business owners to bear in mind that there are a range of funding options out there to support them at every stage of their growth journey, even if they’re already set up.

Tim Sawyer, CEO of Start Up Loans Company, said:

The launch of our Ambassador Programme is an opportunity to pay tribute to the entrepreneurial individuals who have taken the steps to launch their own businesses. Starting out on your own is no mean feat, but businesses like Healthy Nibbles are proof that it can be done. What budding business owners in Scotland need to remember is there are multiple support networks out there to make it a far less daunting experience, and provide the guidance and support necessary to help you make your start-up goals a reality.