Beware of scams

We are aware of scams coming from email and social media where people try to impersonate us. We will never ask you for money or your bank details. Learn more about what to look out for and how to protect yourself.

Thank you for choosing to download our free financial planning templates

Personal Survival Budget and Cash Flow Forecast templates

Our financial planning templates are designed to make it easy to understand your financial position and the viability of your business idea.

Cash Flow Forecast template
A Cash Flow Forecast is an estimation of the money you expect your business to bring in and pay out over a period time. It should reflect all of your likely revenue sources.

Personal Survival Budget template
Your personal survival budget is a list of all the money you earn or receive in an average month minus a list of all the costs you incur that month.

Are you ready to kickstart your business with a Start Up Loan?

The Essential guide to starting a business front cover

Why not also download our Essential Guide to starting a Business?

It covers all the key areas you will need to think about:

  • Conducting market research on customers and competitors
  • Choosing a company structure
  • Figuring out your insurance and tax requirements
  • Developing your business strategy and sales forecast
  • Writing your business plan
The PR toolkit for start-up businesses

Why not also download our free PR Toolkit for Start Up Businesses?

It covers a range of ways to maximise the coverage of your business:

  • Crafting effective press releases
  • Working with journalists
  • Engaging customers with social media
  • Maximising your website
The Marketing toolkit for start-up businesses

Why not also download our free Marketing Toolkit for Start Up Businesses?

It covers a range of ways to market and grow your business:

  • Crafting effective press releases
  • Working with journalists
  • Engaging customers with social media
  • Maximising your website