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Clear For Men

Louis Watkins, 23, from Newport, founded his business Clear For Men at the age of just 20. Clear For Men is a men’s mental health awareness and online skincare brand, encouraging men to ‘take five’ through their daily cleansing routine.

Young entrepreneur Louis set out to create his business after suffering from anxiety during the Covid-19 lockdowns. Working hard to incorporate more self-care into his day-to-day, he realised that a morning and evening skincare routine allowed him to pause, switch off and focus on himself for a moment. Wanting to find a way to help others who were struggling with their mental health, Louis set up Clear For Men to encourage men to prioritise their wellbeing and create a platform where men could speak openly about how they feel.

Louis applied for a £12,000 Start Up Loan shortly after establishing his business in 2022, using the funding to create and bulk buy his stock. Louis now sells his ‘Take Five’ cleansers from his website and TikTok shop, where he has built up a large following and regularly posts videos discussing mental health.

Louis, founder of Clear For Men, said:

Being able to pursue something I was passionate about and create a business from it was a dream come true, and without the financial backing of my Start Up Loan, or the support from my family, I wouldn’t be where I am today. Suffering with my own mental health struggles, it was so important for me to be able to pass on what helped me to others. I wanted to create a quality skincare brand that cares, gives back, and breaks the stigma to get men talking. I made a commitment when I started my business to donate a portion of my sales to the mental health charity, Mind, and I’ve stuck to that, which is something I’m really proud of.”

Published on 27 February 2024

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