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Lassad Care Services

Juliet Chibasa borrowed £3,000 in June 2023 to grow Lassad Care Services. Lassad Care Services, based in Chelmsford, is a domiciliary care business that offers a range of services for the elderly, children, and young adults, including personal care, light cleaning, attending appointments and day centres, walks, holidays, meals, and family support.

Julia Chibasa said, “I have always had an interest in entrepreneurship. Lassad Care Services started out as a cleaning business but then I realised the care sector was where I really wanted to focus, as it’s one that has struggled exponentially in recent years and I wanted to make my mark.

“I took out a £25,000 Start Up Loan last June which was vital for setting up a Wiltshire office to meet council requirements efficiently, and since then my business has been growing. My advice to fellow entrepreneurs is to remain authentic and unwavering in pursuing your goals.”

Published on 19 March 2024

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