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JPC Speciality Motorsports

JPC Specialty Motorsports took out their loan of £5,000 in July 2023. JPC Specialist Motorsports, part of the charity JPC Community Farm, is a place of respite for special needs children and adults. It hosts motorsport events across the UK from local car rallies at its own community farm to world-class car shows, and it uses its motorsports events as a platform to raise life changing funds and support people with learning disabilities & complex needs across North Yorkshire and Teesside.

Paul Connaughton, co-founder of JPC Specialist Motorsports said: “The Start Up Loan has made a tangible impact on our charity, helping us to take the first steps in the next phase of our growth plans. We’ve come a long way since we started, and we’re looking forward to seeing what we can achieve next.”

Published on 7 September 2023

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