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Eagle Divers

Portrait of Zee AzabZee is originally from the holiday resort of Sharm El Sheikh in Egypt but moved to Northern Ireland in 2001. He worked in the hospitality sector in Egypt as a Head Concierge and was also a diving instructor. When he moved to Northern Ireland he again worked as a Head Concierge at a number of Belfast’s leading hotels.

“On our second day in Northern Ireland we took a drive along the Causeway Coast and I was already looking for locations which would make great dive sites. I knew immediately that I wanted to live here.”

“Northern Ireland’s coastline is a treasure trove of great sites to explore — even if the waters are a little colder. There is such a rich maritime history here with so much to explore under the water.

“In addition to scuba diving and snorkelling courses we offer activities such as water biking, paddle boarding and kayaking.”

Instagram: @Eaglediversni / Twitter/X: @Eagle_Divers / Facebook: @Eaglediversni


Published on 19 October 2023

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