Welsh Rugby Clothing Brand Expands to Japan as Rugby Mania Grips the Country

Press release 14 November 2019

A Welsh rugby clothing brand is expanding into Japan after the country embraced the sport during the 2019 Rugby World Cup.

Rugby mania gripped Japan whilst it hosted the international tournament with the Japanese team, the ‘Brave Blossoms’ making it to the quarter-finals for the first time.

Thousands of Japanese fans, dressed in red and white, rallied behind the national team as it scored victories over Ireland, Scotland, Samoa and Russia. It followed a famous victory over South Africa in the tournament four years earlier.

Scott Flear, 27, the founder of Rugby Warfare, based in Carmarthen, is an unexpected beneficiary of rugby’s growing popularity in Japan.

He spent this summer scouting locations for a new shop in Tokyo after online orders from Japan for his rugby clothing range sky-rocketed.

Scott founded the company in 2015 whilst still a student at university. He believed there was a market opportunity for a business that educated young people around the world about the sometimes elite and secretive world of rugby.

The business began as a website where people could find information about the diets and lifestyles of rugby players. It gained rapid traction through social media, reaching 20,000 followers in less than 10 months.

Scott’s business extended to manufacturing rugby clothing when he left university and realised there was a demand for rugby-style gym wear. Rugby Warfare sold out its first collection within weeks.

Using a £5,000 Start Up Loan, Scott was able to bulk buy clothing products to keep up with the influx of orders and now exports to 42 countries with a turnover of £320,000 last year.

Rugby Warfare prides itself on staying ahead of worldwide rugby trends and recently launching a limited-edition Japan Rugby World Cup Tech Jacket to capitalise on the country’s new-found passion for the sport.

Scott also plans to open new stores in America, where the sport is also becoming increasingly popular.

Coming from Carmarthen, I’ve been brought up to be passionate about rugby. I’m proud that I’ve built a business educating other young people around the world about the sport. I’ve always known I wanted to start my own business, so when I spotted the gap in the market, I immediately went to Start Up Loans to ensure I could launch on the scale I wanted to. Since then, the business has gone from strength to strength and I’m delighted that we’re expanding as far as Japan. Scott Flear Founder of Rugby Warfare
Scott shows that with passion and determination, you can realise your dreams of business ownership. He has created a fantastic brand in Rugby Warfare and with the growing popularity of rugby around the world, in no small part thanks to the amazing World Cup in Japan, he is now in a great position to grow his business internationally. As a referee and junior rugby coach its particularly pleasing to know he got the support and funding he needed from Start Up Loans to help him on this exciting journey. Richard Bearman Managing Director of Start Up Loans
We’re so proud of what Scott has been able to achieve with the support of Start Up Loans. To start a business at 23 and grow it internationally is an amazing accomplishment that shows true entrepreneurial flair. Scott is now ready to seize this fantastic opportunity in Japan and we wish him every success with further expansion. Jill Walters Business Contracts Manager at Start Up Loans Delivery Partner

The Start Up Loans programme provides fixed-interest loans of up to £25,000 to aspiring business owners from across the UK, many of whom might be struggling to access other forms of finance. Since 2012, it has issued 67,862 loans, providing over £542.9 million in funding.

In addition to finance, Start Up Loan applicants receive support from an experienced business advisor to help them prepare a business plan and cash flow report. Successful applicants are also offered 12-months of free mentoring to guide them through the early stages of their business journey.

Further Information

Notes to editors

About The Start-Up Loans Company

The Start-Up Loans Company, part of the British Business Bank, was formed in June 2012. The Start Up Loans scheme provides personal loans for business purposes of up to £25,000 at a 6% fixed interest rate per annum and offers free dedicated mentoring and support to each business.

The primary aim of the Start Up Loans scheme is to ensure that viable start-ups and early-stage businesses have access to the finance and support they need in order to thrive. A network of Delivery Partner organisations support applicants in all regions and industries throughout the UK. The Start Up Loans scheme is not designed to generate a commercial profit. Capital payments together with the interest are recycled to help meet our customers’ increasing demand for finance.

Free guides on a range of subjects related to starting a business are available on the Start Up Loans website. You can find recent media press releases here.

The funding for the Start Up Loans scheme is provided by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). The Start-Up Loans Company is a subsidiary of the British Business Bank. British Business Bank plc is a development bank wholly owned by HM Government which is not authorised or regulated by the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) or the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). British Business Bank plc and its subsidiary entities are not banking institutions and do not operate as such.

The British Business Bank makes finance markets for smaller businesses work better, enabling the sector to prosper, grow and build economic activity. 

Key Statistics

Figures in this release are drawn from data on delivery of loans up to 30th September 2019.

  • Since 2012, the Start Up Loans scheme has delivered more than 67,000 loans, providing more than £542m of funding.
  • In the financial year 2018/19, the scheme provided 7,869 loans with a total value of approximately £83m – helping to support around 22 businesses every day of the year.
  • Since 2012, 35% of loan recipients were formerly unemployed or economically inactive.
  • 15% of loan recipients since 2012 were aged between 18 and 24.
  • Loan recipients report estimated average turnover of £42,000 in the first year after they have drawn their loan down.
  • In the November Budget 2018, the Chancellor announced that the programme would be extended, with a target of 10,000 additional loans being issued in the year to April 2021.

For more information about Start Up Loans, please visit startuploans.co.uk.

All these statistics are gross estimates, with the exception of the return on investment numbers, and are based upon Start Up Loans CRM and externally commissioned research undertaken by SQW Ltd, with support from BMG Research.