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A 30-day basic job listing for £35 (worth £180), a saving of £145

Offer Details

Escape The City are pleased to offer Start Up Loans customers a 30-day basic job listing (valued at £180) for just £35, to help you find your ideal employee and still keep costs down.

Company Details

Escape The City helps smart people find exciting new jobs by asking one simple question: “what do you want to do next?” Over 130,000 professionals use the site to find new opportunities.

All roles advertised include at least one of the following ingredients: entrepreneurial work, positive social impact, exciting brand, exotic location. Employers can post job ads or use Esc Search to contact candidates whose skills and preferences match the role being offered.

You understand that in providing details of corporate offers The Start Up Loans Company is not endorsing any company, products or services other than its own and that you will be solely responsible for deciding whether to use or take up any of the products or services offered by any of the companies detailed here.